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2023/5/4 Last updated by 2024/5/26

Hi!I'm Patrick (You can also call Pat) (◍•ᴗ•◍)

Year 10

Boarder in Canada from China…

  • Somewhat of a competitive coder (USACO Gold)
  • Starts passion projects
  • Gamer
    • Identity V two sided player
    • Hard-core single player game full achievements/Beaten (Celeste, Hollow Knight, Dead Cells, Sekiro, etc);
  • IB student

Text Editor: SublimeText to NeoVim

Learning git & github management

Total coding time (Since 2023/4/14):


Informatics major events (synced with luogu) Update Paused

  • AC 100 2022.5.1

  • Orange Name 2022.5.16

  • AC 200 2022.8.10

  • USACO Silver 733750\frac{733}{750} 2022.12.24

  • USACO Silver AK 2023.1.28

  • AC 300 2023.2.1

  • CCC 3775\frac{37}{75} 2023.2.15

  • TeamsCode Novice 9051100\frac{905}{1100} 5th 2023.4.5

You're welcome to leave your name————